Precision CNC Machining
Why Use Mechanical Power for Custom CNC Machining Services?
At Mechanical Power we leverage CNC capabilities by utilizing:
Prompt order lead times
Complex designs
Online editing programs
24 hours a day operation
CNC equipment reliability
Product manufacturing with outstanding performance and endurance
Apart from glass, plastic, wood, foam, custom CNC aluminum, and metal, CNC machine can find their application in a number of industries. In other words, we can define CNC as the representation of actual programmable machines that can independently perform the desired operation.
CNC machines work on 2 subjects, i.e., CAD and CAM. CAD is a computer-aided design. It helps you learn about the design of the machine tools and machine. CAM is computer-aided manufacturing. This subject deal with manufacturing instead of design.
What is Computer Numerical Control (CNC)
CNC Machining is a computer-controlled subtractive manufacturing process that uses specialized machinery to remove layers from material. CNC machining can be used on a variety of materials, including metals, plastics, composites, glass and stone. With our high-tech 3 axis milling machines and experienced engineers we can produce almost any shape required for your product.
Features of CNC
High precision
Quick & efficient production
Capable of producing complex shapes
Wide range of materials supported
Benefits of CNC
Reliable accuracy with low waste rate
Cost effective solution
Fast turnaround times
CNC Production Machining Services
Custom CNC machining is a manufacturing process that is suitable for a wider range of industries. It is applicable to aerospace, construction, automotive, agriculture and many more. CNC can also produce a massive range of products like surgical equipment, garden tools, automobile frames, and hand tools.
The CNC machining process includes different computer-handled operations such as thermal, electrical, chemical, and mechanical processes. While other processes are of utmost importance, some of the most common CNC machining operations include turning, milling, and drilling.
CNC Turning
It is a manufacturing process where bars of material is kept in a wedge and rotated to remove material and create the desired shape. The lathe or turning machine is programmed to move the raw material’s bar and form the programmed product. This process is often termed as subtraction machining as it includes the removal of the material. The center has machining and milling capacity, whereas the rotation can be allowed or stopped to mil out other shapes.
CNC Milling
Computer numerical control milling is a process that uses computerized controls as well as rotating multipoint cutting tools to remove the material from the given workpiece. It is mostly suitable for making materials such as custom CNC metal, wood, and glass.
The milling machine uses a cylindrical tool, i.e., a milling cutter held in a spindle. With this process, the ability to cut material in different angles and axes is much better. There are many kinds of milling machines according to the number of axes movement.
Two-axis milling machines:
They can cut holes in the x and z-axis, i.e., horizontal and vertical cut in a single direction.
Three-axis milling machines:
Add y-axis with these CNC milling machines. You can cut material in any direction, but for a sphere, you can only do one half at a time due to even three-axis.
Four-axis milling machines:
These machines are very complicated due to their ability to rotate the x-axis like a lathe.
5-axis milling machines:
Add in rotation in the x and y-axis. With them, you can shape car structures, bones, medical products, and even aerospace structures.
CNC Drilling
This form of CNC machining operation is mostly implemented for mass production. The machine here is a multi-functional center that works by turning and milling. In this process, the cutting piece doesn’t move; rather, the cutter passes through and tear the material.
Many CNC drilling machines are available such as radial, upright, and bench, to allow drilling up holes of plain and complicated patterns of different diameters.
CNC machines refer to the machine in which a computer is connected to the mill with other electrical devices and sensors to make a complete system. This set up helps control the movement of a machine’s axis. These machines are very precise, accurate with repeatability that can exceed the levels possible through manual programs.
When looking for custom machining services near me, many factors go into picking up the CNC machines. The type of parts you wish to have in your machine decide the type of mill you need.
There is so much variety in the types of machines and machining. You can pick a technology that best suits the type of part you plan on creating.
Mechanical Power distribution facility and headquarters are ISO90001:2015 certified. Our manufacturing partners have at least ISO9001:2015 accreditations, however we put strong emphasis in our key manufacturing partners being TS/IATF certified.
History of CNC
The evolution of the CNC machine started with numerical control. The first numerical control machine was made in the 40s and 50s. Though the working of these machines was based on pre-existing tools, some modifications were present.
The machine’s motors moved as per the input information, whereas the code was punched manually in the data cards. The first steps towards CNC machining were taken during the 50s. In the beginning, MIT computers were prepared to give out the punched tape according to the data input. At one point, the time spent on making the card significantly reduced from eight hours to mere minutes.
This time-efficient aptitude helped with more research and development, after which the initial programming language for CNC machines became accessible for use. Due to the low computer prices, CNC took over charge from numerical control in no time.
CNC Services in Wauconda, IL
For more than 40 years, MPI has been a dependable industry leader in bespoke metal stamping, production machining, and assembly. We are still dedicated to providing our clients with high-quality goods at a competitive price.
Contact Us and talk to CNC Services professional on how we can source your custom machining project for your company today.
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